Are you a person with strong mental health? The following article will reveal the factors that affect your mental health and the appearance of a mentally healthy person.
Mental health and substance use disorders account for 13% of the world’s population and are estimated to be the cause of 14.3% of all deaths globally (approximately 8 million deaths). each year). This shows that mental health is just as important as physical health. However, in some countries, references to mental health are still restricted.
If you are lacking one or more of the following mental health traits, don’t be sad and underestimate yourself, as you can always improve your mental health at any time by practicing these habits. habit of a mentally healthy person.
1. Accept yourself
A mentally healthy person fully accepts his or her true self. Such people strongly believe in their own worth, they know who they are and what they are. Therefore, they always feel their life is joyful and happy. They also never try to please everyone or seek approval from others. These are the basic characteristics of a healthy mind.
Photo: Pexels/Cottonbro
Lack of self-acceptance is common in people who are prone to stress, anxiety, or other types of mental illness. The problems of appearance, style, work, study… always make them in a state of anxiety not knowing what people will think of them. As a result, these people are often nervous when talking to people and seeking recognition.
2. Control your emotions
Life is full of ups and downs and you can’t control everything. A mentally healthy person understands very well the burial of grudges; Fear or worry makes no sense. They waste almost no time trying to deal with things beyond their control. Instead, they seek to understand how they react to their emotions, trying to navigate it when faced with negative emotions such as anger or jealousy. It is these characteristics that help people with good mental health be able to heal themselves faster, constantly rising even if they are sunk in the darkest place of life.
Photo: Unsplash/Ann Danilina
In contrast, people with a less healthy mental health often obsess about a “perfect life”. They are often overwhelmed by negative emotions when disappointment strikes and find it difficult to accept, let go, and move on. However, nothing is perfect in this world. Practice slowly and you will do it.
3. Have good and harmonious relationships
Robert Waldinger (American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and meditation teacher with famous TED talks: What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness? Lessons from the oldest research on happiness) conducted one of the longest studies ever to find out what makes a person happy and healthy. led to a surprising finding: “Good relationships make us happier and healthier,” says Robert Waldinger.
Photo: Unsplash/Dominic Ssansotta
Nurturing and maintaining satisfying relationships is one of the hallmarks of a mentally healthy person. What matters is the quality of these relationships, not the number of friends and relatives you have. Strong social connections and deep attachments to loved ones help you stay healthier, live longer and happier, says Mr. Waldinger.
Mentally unhealthy people often have a lot of conflicts in their marriages, have unhappy relationships, and have no one to turn to during difficult times. Physical pain plus emotional pain can lead to early cognitive decline. “Healthy, warm and close relationships have the potential to reduce difficulties in aging,” says Mr. Waldinger.
4. Get along with everyone
This is one of the great traits of a mentally healthy person. People who have faith in themselves can also be a source of comfort to others. These people are always the way they are, not trying to impress others. As a result, they always show their sincerity whether in greetings to their new neighbors or when conversing with others. This quality helps them build a network of relationships, using them to develop more personally.
Photo: Pexels/Elle Hughes
People who do not love themselves or are bored with their current lives have difficulty making friends or making friends with colleagues. They do not easily adjust to society and struggle with emotional maturity. Staying optimistic or seeking help in times of emergency bothers them, thus delaying in achieving their goals.
5. Not vulnerable
Have you ever seen a person laugh at their own mistakes? Nothing to be surprised at! People who accept and love themselves always feel beautiful and, therefore, worry less. They don’t let themselves be hurt by negative comments or criticism. On the contrary, with the ability to see things optimistically and have good control over how they react to their emotions, mentally healthy people can easily accept their own shortcomings.
Photo: Unsplash/Andrikyo
Pessimists have a hard time possessing a stable mind, because they never feel like they’re good enough. Unwittingly, over time, they attribute their own doubts and insecurities to others, an unintentional joke that also hurts them deeply.
6. Respect yourself
Mentally healthy people not only respect themselves, but also friends, family, and even strangers. They talk to everyone calmly even when there are differences of opinion, point of view and outlook on life.
Photo: Unsplash/Emmanuel Bior
Just like valuing, respecting, accepting, and loving themselves, a healthy mind reminds these people to respect and accept people for who they really are. Unlucky people with psychological defects often have less love for themselves, sometimes hurting others. They have a hard time regulating negative thinking, so they often focus on the darker sides of things. But that doesn’t mean they don’t accept opinions or disrespect others.
7. Independence and responsibility
Responsibility is another hallmark of a mentally healthy person. Such people are often responsible for their own mistakes or lives. They realize that their thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and actions shape their lives and future. Even if it’s just a decision about a clothing brand, people with a healthy mind are always clear-headed, decisive, and take risks without complaining or blaming.
Photo: Pixabay
In contrast, a less healthy mind finds it difficult to accept flaws because their approach to life is too idealistic compared to reality. They sometimes make immature decisions based on urgent situations and immediate interests. This can leave them in a vicious cycle of torment and loss.
8. Adapting to changes
The basic characteristic of a mentally healthy person is the ability to change to adapt to any change. Adaptation is essential in the animal and plant world, such as a camouflage toad to blend in with its surroundings, thereby avoiding predators.
Photo: Pexels/Maria Orlova
Likewise, a person with a healthy mind can change the environment for the better or quickly adapt to new changes. Those attitudes and behaviors help them grow faster, be more successful, and happier.
Rapid change is not the strength of people with weak mental health, as they are easily overwhelmed. They often fail to adjust to society, often due to a victim mentality that, in the end, develops in an environment that does not maximize their chances of success.
9. High self-awareness
Self-awareness is also one of the key traits for healthy mental health. Regular self-assessment, introspection, and reflection help a person better understand one’s strengths, weaknesses, feelings, thoughts, values, abilities, powers, and areas for improvement.
Photo: Unsplash/Wes Hicks
Self-knowledge connects a clear mind, a focused attitude, and the ability to make the right choices in life. Emotional awareness leads to the ability to express a variety of emotions. A healthy mind knows the difference between emotional expression and emotional self-control.
People with poor mental health have poor self-perception and low self-identity. They are often lost in a jumble of emotions, unsure of what to do or what they want. Emotions pile up in their mind making them always confused, stressed, anxious, low motivation, depressed as well as susceptible to various social and psychological problems.
10. Discipline yourself
Do you feel gratified and accomplished when you tackle your to-do list by the end of the day? Just continue this habit every day, it will create a positive feedback loop. Your mood will improve when you consistently achieve, no matter how small, your mind will continue to push you to go further.
Photo: Pexels/Cottonbro
You will find that self-discipline is one of the common traits of a mentally healthy person, as it is the door to success and happiness. However, that is not to say that they force themselves to lead a disciplined life. On the contrary, discipline comes naturally to them and they seem to love it.
High discipline also allows a person to do important and necessary things, even
even when they don’t want to. In contrast, people who are psychologically unhealthy find it difficult to persevere in self-discipline, have habits of procrastination, indecision, helplessness, and feel like life is always slipping out of control.
11. Confident
Mentally healthy people never lack confidence because they accept who they are. Self-aware and highly self-aware, these people make good use of both their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, they always know what they are doing and why they are doing it. They will move forward, overcome obstacles and conquer the set goal.
Photo: Pexels/Chermit Mohamed
People with poor mental health are often lost in understanding themselves and feel like their lives are always floating, with no destination. Fears, insecurities, and irrational thoughts collapse their self-esteem and confidence, leaving them uncertain about their decisions. Therefore, these people are always trying to choose safety, sometimes missing the opportunities that are knocking at the door.
12. Accept rejection with a positive attitude
The ability to self-heal is one of the unique characteristics found only in people with stable psychological health. Understand that life is full of ups and downs, so they are always prepared for rejections and failures. With personalities that try to adapt to any situation and environment, and with their healing and flexible abilities, they can gracefully face rejection while maintaining an active lifestyle. Regret and guilt do not bother them. With each rejection, they learn from it to grow stronger both physically and psychologically.
Photo: Pexels/Artem Beliaikin
An unstable mind can’t handle emotions or take care of one’s soul. They have few healthy relationships that can motivate and positively impact their mindset. Such people often get hurt if rejected and become weaker emotionally.
13. Always think creatively
A person with a steady mind is always filled with positive thoughts and hopes. Their minds are not noisy and messy but work effectively, creating creative thinking. Whether it’s work or problem solving, these people are always out-of-the-box thinkers and always try new things. With a spirit full of enthusiasm, mentally healthy people are genuinely interested in creating something new and are always ready to face adversity.
Photo: Unsplash/Ivan Jevtic
Of course there will be exceptions. Some people in the artistic and creative fields are famous for having unstable mental health, such as the painter Vincent Van Gogh or the American poet and writer Sylvia Plath. However, scientific studies show that, if you experience severe illness, this creative ability will decrease to moderate or lower. If you consider the factors that affect mental health, some can cope with it, but most people with mental illness can barely cope with this adversity.
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